ST. John’s Students yet again, made their 2nd sneak peek video into the diving world. They both dove Crevice and Finger Reef both great dive sites an awesome attraction, come and take a look and see what really different Under the Sea is.

GTDS’s had a staff day out on Saturday, where family members were involved. We had dove Haps Reef and then Tokai (one of the famous wreck) as 2nd dive. There were young boys from our Local High School that was part of this fun event. Who were practicing underwater videography! It looked complicated esp. underwater but I think they had the hang of it. I was a lot of fun...................
Check out the link and see what they had captured. Maybe you’ll be interested in learning the same thing. Check the clip out and check us out.

Have you ever wonder who is on the other side of the phone? Or who would be assisting you on your tour. Well, guess WHAT we have updated the GTDS Staff page so that you can put a name to a face that you are talking to, would be assisting you in the store, on the boat or during the class.

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